Champ has made a outstanding gun dog and a great producer. Its hard to beat the Blackhawk and Elhew cross. He has a super nose, travels nice and looks good on point. He has hunted the grasslands in SD, sand dunes in Nebraska, red grass in Kansas and has spent the last two years on a hunting preserve in Texas. His pups have made nice gun dogs. Its tough to say how good Macey is being a known daughter of CH Erins Red Rum. She is the Blue Hen in our kennel and one of our best wild bird dogs. She has a superior nose, travels nice and is outstanding on her birds. Her pups are just natural bird dogs and are easy to train. This is a repeat breeding with the first litter being great dogs. #gundogs#gundogcentral#huntingdogs#sportdog#fielddog#dogsofgundogcentral#englishpointer#pointers#litterannoucement#forsale#gundogsforsale#huntingdogsforsale#featured#blakchawkelhewdoc#erinsmaceyrum#fortscott#kansas
Very happy with the pup we got from Jim Harris. She’s 9 months old now. She’s very smart and athletic, and a fast learner.
Submitted by : Martin Kalton on 12/30/2021
Rating :
Bought one of these dogs and the next day pointed a wild bird and held like he was an old seasoned champion. Handles awesome and just an all around great dog. And the owners are nice too! I’ll be a return customer.
Submitted by : Donald on 11/12/2019
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