Irish Setter
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For more information about the Irish Setter Click hereThe Irish Setter is a breed of gun dog that is said to have originated in Ireland, hence the name Irish Setter and have been around for many years. This dog is known for its beautiful coat that is waterproof and ready for any type of the weather. Depending on the dog, the coat can range in color from a dark brown to a reddish color and may have some feathering on certain areas on the body. The coat itself is one of the known characteristics of the Irish Setters due to the beautiful colors, texture, and length of it. When it comes to their build, these dogs have a broader chest area and leaner pelvic area. This allows them to be fast runners and agile movers. The are known to move at fast speeds, effortlessly. The females of the breed weigh in around 53-64 pounds and stand at 22 to 24 inches while the males are 60-71 pounds and are around 23-26 inches tall. When it comes to their diet, they may eat anywhere between 2 to 3 cups of food per day. This will depend on the age of the actual dog and their own individual needs. It is recommended to stay away from processed foods and to make sure your dog is consuming healthy ingredients. As far as maintenance, they do need to be groomed regularly. Due their thick coats, they are subjective to matting. A regular weekly or even daily brushing will help keep their coats looking and feeling healthy. They also have nails that grow fairly fast and will need to be trimmed atleast every few weeks.Teeth brushing is also a part of their maintenance regime. Their teeth will need to be brushed at least two to three times per week, to prevent any build-up. Bathing can be done occasionally and eyes and ears need to be checked regularly. Because they are a very active breed of dog, they do require a lot of exercise, usually at least a hour per day. Furthermore, with their high metabolism, they are well suited for active owners who will be outdoors with them and allow them to take part in regular activities.
Irish Setter dogs are also known for their great hunting skills. When trained properly, they have the ability to help the hunters accurately find and kill game. With an incredible sense of smell, these dogs are very good at tracking and pointing the hunters into the right direction. They are not flushing dogs, which are used to flush out birds but rather pointers. This means that they will pick up the scent and when they are near their prey, they will point so that the hunters know the direction of the game. This movement is often referred to as setting and this is said to be where part of the name Irish Setter came from. With their high endurance level, they can hunt for a long time without getting tired. This ensures the hunters will have time to hopefully get a kill before the dog is fatigued. Not only are the Irish Setters superior hunters on land but they are also excellent swimmers. These dogs love to swim and they love to swim while hunting. They can swim and retrieve game and bring it back to the hunter, efficiently.
Irish Setter dogs are great for hunters who need a dog who will work hard and are eager to please. However, they are also great for families as well. These dogs have incredibly friendly personalities. They are active and love to run around, making them a great pair with older kids. With all of their energy, they may be too much for smaller children or toddlers but this depends of the actual dog and their personality. Since they are dogs that require and desire lots of attention and activities, this is why they can make awesome pets for families. Furthermore, some can easily get along with other family dogs but they may have an issue with cats or other pets. Again, this solely depends on the individual dog.
An Irish Setter is a dog with a lot of spunk and energy. Whether he/she is being used to hunt upland game or playing in a yard with some kids, they will surely be a life-long companion.
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