Welcome to Gundog Central
A centralized place to find your next hunting dog

Gundog Central is a centralized location for finding your next Gun Dog, Bird Dog, Field Dog .... and now Hound dogs. We've tried to make it as easy as possible for you to browse the many different hunting dogs for sale. We cater to the upland bird hunter and wetland waterfowl enthusiast, as well as people who compete in field trial events.

Whether you're looking for pointer breeds like the English Pointers, English Setters or French Brittany's, Retrievers like the Labradors Retrievers or Golden Retriever, Flushing breeds like the English Cocker Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel or Boykin Spaniel, or Versatile breeds like the German Shorthaired Pointers, Weimaraner , Hungarian Vizsla or German Wirehaired Pointers you'll find them here, along with many other hunting dog breeds. You'll find gun dogs in our classified section that are for sale by individuals and professionals alike. Only ads dealing with working gun dogs, bird dogs or field dogs should be posted here.
New for 2020, we have absorbed our sister site Hounddog Central and added a few of the hound dog breeds that were listed there. You can now find Hound dogs, Coon dogs, Beagles, Fiest and Cur for sale here. So if you're interested in buying or selling Bluetick coonhounds, Redbones, Black and Tan, Treeing Walkers, Beagles, Blackmouth Cur and Mountain Feist, you've come to the right spot.
We're dedicated to making this the best site to find your next hunting dog. Dog trader or kennel, listing your hunting dog for sale is easy and FREE. To get started advertising your dogs, all you need to do is create a FREE account
Current News and Announcements
Send us your news and we'll post it on the siteSee You At The Dance
Arguably, the most coveted days on a bird hunter’s calendar are the ones where he or she is actually hunting. Those days are the summit of a year-long hike through the day-to-day of dog training, vet bills, hard earned paychecks, and sheer anticipation of what is to come. There are few things we would trade them for. But when seasons have come to a close and winter has laid the earth to a silent, seemingly lifeless rest, where does a bird-afflicted hunter turn to? What can be done to satiate the need for adventure that doesn’t end with the close of upland seasons?
Retriever Safety
With a heave, I pulled my foot free of the thick muck, I wondered if another half mile of this was worth the trouble. The edge of this particular beaver pond seemed solid enough, but I had slogged far enough to find out that wasn’t the case. The previous day, a group of mallards were feeding on the far end of the hellish mire, and the decision was made to return with a couple dozen decoys. Behind me, my black lab was having a harder time than I was, the mud was clutching at her belly and legs, and the sharp ends of gnawed-off sticks protruded through the loamy sludge. Up ahead the mallards quacked and whistled tauntingly. Despite the temptation, I decided to turn back. To me, no duck is worth potentially injuring my dog.
Miso Duck
Although this recipe is written for teal, you can use the marinade on all waterfowl. I suggest breasting out and quartering out the legs on larger birds. Of course, cooking times will vary depending on the size of the bird.
No matter the environment wingshooters and the bird hounds that accompany them find themselves in, it is essential that both man and beast stay hydrated. Even more so as temperatures fluctuate and the sun beats down, both humans and dogs can be susceptible to dehydration in any kind of weather condition. A lack of drinkable water can have serious health consequences, so taking proactive measures to prevent thirst is something to take seriously. Having the ability for a constant source of H2O is detrimental in maintaining a safe, functional, and enjoyable bird hunt. It comes down to having enough water in a capable carrying system that is flexible in its configuration and use. The best way to do that is to procure it from a water source and have the ability to filter it easily for consumption and allow for refilling. Enter … Drifter Hydration.
Featured Gun Dog Ad of the Day
Featured Bird Dog of the day. Ad created by ANTHONY BAKER. #gundogcentral #birddogs #birdhunting #upland #wetland #gundogs #sportdog #fielddog #hounddog #dogsofgundogcentral #sportdogbrand #gearthewayyouddesignit #huntdogmania #wearyourpassion #EnglishSpringerSpaniel
Continue ReadingFeatured Gun Dog Ad of the Day
Featured Bird Dog of the day. Ad created by RICK CRAWFORD. #gundogcentral #birddogs #birdhunting #upland #wetland #gundogs #sportdog #fielddog #hounddog #dogsofgundogcentral #sportdogbrand #gearthewayyouddesignit #huntdogmania #wearyourpassion #GermanShorthairedPointer
Continue ReadingBlack and Tan CoonhoundBlackmouth CurBluetick CoonhoundBoykin Spaniels
Braque DAuvergneBraque FrancaisBritish Labrador RetrieverCatahoula Cur
Chesapeake Bay RetrieverClumber SpanielDeutsch DrahthaarDeutsch Kurzhaar
English Cocker SpanielEnglish CoonhoundEnglish PointerEnglish Setter
English Springer SpanielEpagneul BretonField SpanielFrench Brittany
French SpanielGerman Shorthaired PointerGerman Wirehaired PointerGolden Retriever
Hungarian VizslaIrish SetterLabrador RetrieverLlewellin Setter
Mountain FeistPatterdalePlott HoundPudelpointer
Small MunsterlanderSpinone ItalianoTreeing FeistTreeing Walker Coonhound
WeimaranerWirehaired Pointing Griffon